Kanye’s new album ‘Ye’ was released over the weekend. It’s his shortest album yet, featuring only 7 tracks.
It’s unapologetic in true Kanye fashion. No one is safe as he references Stormy Daniels, Tristan Thompson, the #Metoo movement, and even himself and his bi-polar disorder.
However the album has a clear dark streak, reminiscent of the transition from the uplifting ‘Graduation’ album to the sadness found in ‘808s and Heartbreak’. The transition from West’s previous release ‘The Life Of Pablo’ to this album carries the same feeling. This is evidenced with the album opening track titled “I Thought About Killing You”. West is a long way from his infamous Taylor Swift line.
The tunes are catchy, with West continuing his famed sampling style. However, it’s a far call from his early pop-ish works like the aforementioned Graduation or Late Registration. It hasn’t stopped the album from already topping the charts across the world however, with the album going #1 on iTunes over the span of the weekend. It’s definitely worth a listen, but we have a feeling it’s not going to be as beloved as his previous works. And maybe that is exactly what Yeezus wants. #livewireau#livewireaushortreview