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Mackenzie Stolp

Boats New Single 'For Melbourne' is an Ode to Our Beautiful City

With his debut album set to be released in 2021, Boats is gaining momentum as a new face in indie experimental. A dark, soothing toll layered with soft electronic pulse; Boats’ sound is a refreshing take on soulful acoustic that is rare in Australian music these days.

During lockdown Boats wrote and produced ‘For Melbourne’; an ode to the perseverance and adaptability to Melbournians during lockdown. Boats relates the resilience of the people of Melbourne to the Black Cockatoo, who features on the album’s artwork. The Black Cockatoo was forced to venture inner north to find food after being forced out of their habitats by bushfires; just like the Black Cockatoo Victorians were forced to be resilient and adapt. ‘For Melbourne’ recognises this resilience and congratulates the people of Melbourne on making it through lockdown, and out the other end relatively...okay.

“We're all finding it tough at the moment and need uplifting whenever we can, in my case seeing this bird as big and as majestic as it was, I felt overwhelmed with positive and melancholic emotion,” says Boats.

There is so much of this track that is reminiscent of Melbourne; it is strong yet gentle, simple yet it contains multitudes. The slow-burning acoustic wave feels just like an easy Monday morning in Melbourne, when the city is just waking up and coming alive.

Beginning with a striking acoustic guitar that jars slightly against Boats moody vocals, this song is incredibly layered and dynamic. This song breathes like the pulse of Melbourne, slowly coming alive again. It is both lyrically and musically dedicated to the city, building up to an explosion of percussion, a release of energy that feels like the Melbourne we used to know.

Singing ‘Remember/ Who are We’, Boats strikes emotions of perseverance for the Victorian people, this track is here to celebrate Victorians and their courage and sacrifice – which ought to be celebrated greatly.





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