Over the past year Sydney sister-duo CLEWS have won hearts over with their indelibly honest lyricism intertwined with passionate musicianship. Together they've created emotionally incisive ballads that ring true to their developing musical journey and changing life experiences.
Expanding on their beloved signature sound, CLEWS have delved into the experimental regions of pop, layered musical textures and soothing harmonies within their latest single ‘Want You That Way’. Soaring to new heights, CLEWS have created something special- a funky, passionate, and upbeat retelling of everyone’s greatest struggle; the struggle of letting go of the past.
“I wrote 'Want You That Way' on a rainy day when I was reflecting on my oldest friendship from childhood that’s so non-existent now it’s like it never happened. It's about how lots of different relationships can affect you; your friendships, romantic relationships, your future relationship with the child you’re going to adopt someday, your past relationship with versions of yourself. I hope this song serves as a proclamation of self-love and the confidence to be happy on your own.” Lily explains.
‘Want You That Way’ constructs an intricate and truthful story that is aided by the gradual build-up of instrumentals. Juxtaposing the delicate yet passionate vocals of CLEWS, the song becomes an embodiment of the pain of letting go, but the healing that can grow from it.