Let's be real. Things aren't great. But that doesn't mean they can't get better. For those outside of Melbourne, things might be on the way up a lot faster, but for us Melburnians, lockdown is still a reality and there are only so many sourdoughs one person can make.
Never fear, Fancy Face are here! With their latest single 'Things Are Getting Better' , we have crowned them the professionals on how to make things better. So we caught up with FF's bassist Alex Orr for some advice on how to keep your head high in these UNpREcedENteD times.
1. Practicing
A real hidden terror during this lockdown is not practicing and losing your chops. Whether it be karate chops, pork chops, or just riffs; you have to keep practicing.
2. Coffee And Tea
Gotta stay hydrated if you’re going to compete with the big cats. Focused, alert, and ready to roll within 5kms.
3. Exercise
Do you think Eddie Van Halen got his chops from being a slouch? Was John Bonham a couch potato? Gotta run, gotta go fast. One hundred metres per bar of our new song ‘things are getting better’
4. Arts And Crafts
After everything on this list, you might still get bored so here’s a hot tip. Arts and crafts. Throw yourself into the vibrant world of cross stitch, be magically transported to the world of crap coffee mugs with pottery. Learn to sew your own clothes to gain your mothers respect.
5. Friendship
Friendship is important in these isolated times. Ring someone you haven’t talked to in ages and guilt them into buying you some Fancy Face merch. A fresh set of threads can pull you out of any funk.
6. Supporting Local Businesses
All of us here at Fancy Face believe it’s important to support local. From coffees on the corner or a take out dinner to artists products and local projects.
Do it.
7. Look Out For Number One
All of this aside, even the strongest people can suffer and it’s important to look after yourself. Go to the park, dress nice for a day; reach out. You could even learn an instrument and start a band like we did. Every little bit helps.
All great advice from Alex, but we'll add a very important number eight that seems to be missing...
8. Fancy Face's Latest Single 'Things Are Looking Better'
Sometimes you just need music to tell you that it's going to be alright and Fancy Face's latest release does exactly that. A bright indie-rock number that's injecting some well-needed optimism into our soul. Accompanied with a brand new vid, it's exudes a nostalgic happiness, tapping into our past that makes us excited for the future (whatever that may look like). So have a spin and absorb the optimism via osmosis (that's how science works right?).
The Melbourne legends are making most of their lockdown time, and we hope you are too. Wherever you are in the world, hope you're staying well and safe xoxo