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Time To 'Follow Suit' With Latest Greta Stanley Release

Let’s take a journey up north on the East Coast for a bit. Nestled up between Cairns and Townsville in the wee town of Mena Creek, you’ll find singer songwriter Greta Stanley. With only a few song released so far, Stanley is an up and coming songstress with an already maturity far past her years. ‘Follow Suit’ is the third, and latest release from the Queenslander and is a beautiful, intimate but far from delicate songs that is down right addictive.

With timbre reminiscent of Halsey, Stanley has already established a distinct sound in her releases, though in saying that, ‘Follow Suit’ has definitely taken a detour from her usual bright melodies. Stanley that takes a heavier turn with her new single, featuring an amped up production value, and some heavy use of bass strings which turns a potentially soft ballad into a delicious dance track.

In her own words, “it’s a song I wrote when I was questioning my reasons for continuing to do things I didn't want to do, and a lot of my friends were too. Because we were afraid of change and the unknown.”

No doubt, a gorgeous exploration of doubt. Stanley puts her own life under the microscope, navigating insecurities, anxieties and some pretty heavy stuff. “I wish I had it all figured out,” she sings on repeat and to be honest, same. A heartfelt song, tied it all together beautifully with a heavy electro pop gusto that says, ‘I might be insecure, but I am in charge’. A somewhat empowering tune for those at a fork in the road of their life.

Stanley features a maturity in her songwriting that is impressive from someone with such few releases. She’s experimenting with sounds, commanding mood and delivering a solid single that you’ll definitely have stuck in your head for days. ‘Follow Suit’ is the latest track off her upcoming EP Sun In My Eyes (which is produced by The Middle East’s Mark Myers) so we’re quite certain this won’t be the last time we’re talking about Greta Stanley.



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